Tag: Yasonna Laoly

Imparsial: Jokowi Harus Evaluasi Yasonna Jelang Reshuffle
Human Rights, News

Imparsial: Jokowi Must Evaluate Yasonna Ahead of Reshuffle

CNN Indonesia | Friday, 10/09/2021 06:32 WIB Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- The human rights organization Imparsial urges President Joko Widodo to evaluate the Minister of Law and Human Rights (Menkumham) Yasonna Laoly in the aftermath of the fire at the Class I prison in Tangerang, Banten on Wednesday (8/9). The Minister of Law and Human Rights is specifically related to the plan to reshuffle the cabinet in the near future while ensuring this incident does not happen again in the future," said Imparsial Researcher Hussein Ahmad in his statement, Thursday (8/9). According to him, Yasonna was responsible for 44 inmates who died in the incident. He also urged the DPR to immediately summon and evaluate Yasonna's performance for her failure to address the overcapacity problem that has plagued Yasonna.
41 Tewas saat Kebakaran Lapas, Presiden Wajib Evaluasi Yasonna Laoly
Human Rights, News

41 Died in Prison Fire, President Must Evaluate Yasonna Laoly

September 9th, 2021, 15:33:09 WIB JawaPos.com – President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) must immediately evaluate the position of the Minister of Law and Human Rights (Menkumham) Yasonna Laoly regarding the cabinet reshuffle plan in the near future. At the same time ensure that the fire incident in the correctional facility does not happen again. "The president is obliged and must immediately evaluate the position of the Minister of Law and Human Rights, especially regarding the plan to reshuffle the cabinet in the near future," said Imparsial researcher Hussein in his statement, Thursday (9/9). Hussein explained that the fire that hit Block C 2 at the Class I Correctional Institution (Lapas) Tangerang, which resulted in 41 inmates inhabiting Block C Lapas, reportedly died, while eight others suffered serious injuries. ...
Imparsial: Yasonna Laoly Harus Tanggung Jawab atas Tewasnya 44 Napi Lapas Tangerang
Human Rights, News

Imparsial: Yasonna Laoly Must Be Responsible for the Death of 44 Tangerang Prison Prisoners

Chandra Iswinarno | Welly Hidayat Thursday, September 9th, 2021 | 14:38 WIB Suara.com - Imparsial and the Public Interest Lawyer Network named the Minister of Law and Human Rights Yasonna Laoly the person most responsible for the deaths of 44 inmates in a fire at the Tangerang prison, Banten, on Wednesday (8/9/2021) early morning . The statement was conveyed, because the existence of correctional institutions is the responsibility of the Minister of Law and Human Rights. "We consider the government, in this case the Minister of Law and Human Rights, to be responsible for the deaths of prisoners due to the fire," said Imparsial researcher Ahmad Husein in his statement, Thursday (9/9/2021). Because of that, he urged the Board of Citizen Representatives to immediately summon Yasonna to immediately conduct an evaluation of her failure to ...
Presiden Didesak Segera Perintahkan Menkumham Mulai Revisi UU ITE
Human Rights, News

Presiden Didesak Segera Perintahkan Menkumham Mulai Revisi UU ITE

Kompas.com - 19/02/2021, 15:51 WIB Penulis Achmad Nasrudin Yahya | Editor Krisiandi JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Koalisi pembela Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM) mendesak Presiden Joko Widodo segera memerintahkan Menteri Hukum dan HAM (Menkumham) Yasonna Laoly untuk memproses revisi Undang-Undang (UU) Nomor 11 Tahun 2008 tentang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik (ITE). "Kami mendesak presiden memerintahkan kepada Menteri Hukum dan HAM untuk memulai proses revisi UU ITE tersebut," ujar peneliti Imparsial, Firman Imaduddin dalam konferensi pers virtual, Jumat (19/2/2021). Adapun koalisi pembela HAM terdiri dari sejumlah organisasi non-pemerintah yang terdiri dari, Imparsial, HRWG, Kontras, Koalisi Perempuan Indonesia, LBH Jakarta, hingga YPII. Menurut Firman, sinyalemen revisi UU ITE juga menjad...
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