Tangerang Student Researches Legal Process for Police Smack Down

CNN Indonesia | Friday, 15/10/2021 19:50 WIB

Tangerang, CNN Indonesia — Chairperson of the Tangerang Student Association Forum (HIMATA), Rifky Firmansyah, said that his party was still focusing on treating the health of their colleague, Fariz, who was slammed by the police in a smackdown style during a demonstration in front of the Tangerang Regent's Office, Banten, on Wednesday (13/10).
On the one hand, his party is still studying how to report alleged criminal acts against the police officers in securing demonstrations against these cadres.

"Really. Because studies are being made too. We're still in the process of making it with our HIMATA friends," said Rifky.

If the research is complete, Rifky continued, his party is still considering from the discussions of the cadres, whether to bring the perpetrators to justice.

"Later, it will depend on the results of the study, how the discussion with HIMATA friends will also be," he said.

Rifky also highlighted the progress of the investigation of the perpetrator at Propam. His party oversees the examination of the perpetrators of the slamming of their cadres so that strict action is taken by the police.

"So what is feared is that the internal examination will be bulleted, in what sense it is not in accordance with reality," he said.

"Therefore, I am also still coordinating with the police to what extent, how far is the internal process of the police in taking action against suspects. Friends are still reviewing the next legal process," added Rifky.

Separately, on the same day, Tangerang Police Chief Kombes Wahyu Sri Bintoro stated that Brigadier NP who threw Fariz was still being investigated by the National Police Headquarters and the Banten Police's Profession and Security Division (Propam). Meanwhile, the sanctions are still waiting for the results of the examination.

“The Banten Police Chief is very attentive. So while waiting for the investigation process from the National Police Headquarters, the Security and Profession Division of the Banten Police has carried out an examination, including the one concerned is still being handled by them" Wahyu told reporters, Friday (15/10).

A number of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) who are members of the Coalition for Security Sector Reform have criticized the attitude of the National Police which is considered to have carried out excessive denial in response to the hectic hashtag #PercumaLaporPolisi in the last few days.
Lawyers for the Jakarta Legal Aid Institute (LBH) who are members of the coalition, Teo Reffelsen said the hashtag #PercumaLaporPolisi echoed by social media users is a form of expression of disappointment and public criticism of the performance of the Police which is considered not transparent, accountable, and contrary to human rights (HAM).

"Instead of responding to criticism by improving performance, the Police have made excessive and unnecessary denials," said Teo in an official statement received by CNNIndonesia.com, Friday (15/10).

One form of denial, said Teo, was seen from the actions of the East Luwu Police Public Relations Instagram account, which had made a clarification regarding the alleged rape case of three children whose investigation was stopped by the police.

In that classification, the Public Relations of the East Luwu Police Station gave a hockey stamp to the coverage that revealed the termination of this investigation. Also, the Public Relations of the East Luwu Police also spread the name of the victim's mother.

Then, another case that has been in the spotlight is the action of the police officers who slammed one of the students during a demonstration in front of the Tangerang Government office on Wednesday (13/10).

In the video circulating, as a result of this action the victim was also unconscious and appeared to be having convulsions. Teo then urged the Banten Police to process the officer both ethically and criminally.

"Although the perpetrators have provided clarifications and apologies, this does not remove the responsibility of the perpetrator and his superiors," said Teo.

Police Violence Records

Referring to data compiled by the Commission for Disappeared Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras), from June 2020 to May 2021 there were at least 651 cases of violence perpetrated by the police against civilians.

The most common type of violence was shootings, which resulted in 13 deaths and 98 injuries.

"The most common type of violence is shooting," said Teo.

Meanwhile, based on records from another institution, Imparsial, during 2016-2020, 76 cases of torture were found in policing tasks.

Of these, 17 cases occurred at the Sector Police level, 51 at the Resort Police level, 5 cases at the Regional Police level, 1 incident of torture was carried out by a Mobile Brigade, and 1 incident by Densus 88.

The acts of torture that were mostly carried out were beatings as many as 57 findings, whipping 11 findings, stabbing and threatening with weapons 6 findings, electrocuted 4 guests, and others.

“Based on the data we have, it is known that at least 25 people have died as a result of this practice. It is important to underline that the data is the tip of the iceberg of the practice of violence and torture that occurred in Indonesia,” said Teo.

Based on these records, Teo assessed that the records of the brutality of the officers showed that this problem was not only caused by individual members of the police, but also a systemic problem.

If this issue is not addressed by the leadership of the National Police, similar incidents will continue to occur and will tarnish the good name of the Police. As a result, the level of public trust in the Bhayangkara corps will decrease.

"It's not just a matter of individual members, but also a systemic issue, namely the culture of violence that is still strong within the police," said Teo.

Therefore, the coalition urge the President and the Citizen Board Representative of Indonesia to accelerate the Police reform agenda, such as revising the Police Law, the Criminal Procedure Code, and several regulations that relate to police work.

They also urged the President and the representative to instruct the National Police Chief to conduct a thorough evaluation and improve the implementation of police duties.

"Officers who commit acts of violence must be dealt with immediately through a transparent criminal justice process," he said.

A number of institutions that are members of this coalition include KontraS, Imparsial, Institute for Criminal Justice Reform (ICJR), LBH Jakarta, and Amnesty International Indonesia.

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