Faris Treated, Brigadier NP Detained, Police Chief Ready to Resign

Friday, October 15th, 2021 21:12 WIB

Red: Andri Saubani

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, by Eva Rianti, Rizky Suryarandika, Haura Hafizhah

REPUBLIKA-The day after he admitted he was fine when he attended a press conference with the police at the Tangerang Police Headquarters, MFA (21) a student who got thrown by Brigadier NP, was treated at Ciputra Hospital, Panongan, Tangerang, Banten. The student from UIN Banten was reported to have experienced vomiting and aches in several parts of his body.

This was conveyed by Tedi Agus who is a friend of MFA who also takes care of MFA at the hospital. Based on Tedi's information, MFA had experienced a declining condition on Thursday (14/10) evening, so that he had to be hospitalized at Ciputra Hospital.

"If the condition this morning was because he woke up and still felt pain, he said (MFA) in the neck, shoulders, and back, especially the neck and head. Last night he was vomiting," said Tedi when contacted by Republika, Friday (15/10).

However, Tedi said, MFA's condition gradually improved on Friday (14/10) afternoon, along with the medical treatment he underwent. "This afternoon at around 13.30 WIB, it started to get better," he continued.

Based on Tedi's narrative, MFA had a bit of difficulty in communicating because he was holding back pain in several parts of his body. "Communication is still smooth, a little difficult too because it's just holding back the pain. Now it's starting to get back to normal," he explained.

Based on the photo shared with Republika, it can be seen that MFA is lying on a hospital bed with his eyes closed. MFA wears an IV in his left hand and wears a brown collarbone support device.

Tedi said that MFA could only be visited by one person from the family in his room, according to directions from the hospital. So far he said the treatment from the hospital was considered good.

“The treatment from the hospital is quite good because it is facilitated by the local government. Only one person can wait and even then only his family is allowed, I even communicated earlier we were on a video call," he explained.

MFA on Wednesday (13/10), participated in a demonstration by a number of student groups, in front of the Tangerang Regent's Office to coincide with the 389th Anniversary (HUT) of Tangerang. The action ended in chaos and led to an incident of violence against one of the participants in the action.

Based on the video that has gone viral on social media, it appears that a number of masses and security officers are pushing each other. Seen several masses fell to the asphalt when opposed to the security forces. There was a protester who was slammed by an officer to the ground and had convulsions.

The NP Brigadier who slammed the MFA has apologized for his actions. He admitted that he would be responsible for his actions.

"I apologize to Mas Faris (MFA) for my actions and I am ready to take responsibility for my actions," NA said in a press conference broadcast online, Wednesday (13/10).

Regional Police of Banten has detained the NP Brigadier who is a member of the Tangerang Police Satreskrim. Banten Police Head of Public Relations, AKBP Shinto Silitonga, said that since Wednesday (13/10), NP has been marathonly examined by the Profession and Security Division (Divpropam) of the National Police Headquarters and the Bidpropam of the Banten Police. He said, according to the order of the Banten Police Chief, the handling and filing of NP had been taken over since Thursday (14/10).

"Currently, NP has been detained in a special detention room by the Banten Police Bidpropam," said Shinto in his statement, Friday (15/10).

Shinto explained that for his actions, NP was subject to multiple articles in the internal regulations. Thus, he will receive more severe sanctions.

Shinto emphasized that his party ensures that Brigadier NP will be dealt with firmly in accordance with the repressive actions he has committed. "An error in a security procedure must be followed up so that we certainly will not allow a technical error in security procedures anywhere in the Banten area," he said.

Meanwhile, regarding the handling of the health of MFA victims, Shinto explained, MFA had been taken to Ciputra Hospital Tangerang to get more optimal health services. "Faris' condition (MFA) as of this afternoon is in a stable and good condition, Faris is being treated by a team of professional doctors from Ciputra Hospital for medical recovery not only from the trauma impact of last Wednesday's incident, but also other diseases based on intensive observation towards Faris," he said.

Tangerang Police Chief Commissary Police Wahyu Sri Bintoro revealed that he was ready to resign from his position due to the incident of violence committed by Brigadier NP. This was conveyed when responding to student demands during a demonstration held on Friday (15/10) in the Tangerang Police Headquarters area.

Wahyu said that his party had held a dialogue with the students who demanded his removal. He said, in the dialogue effort, he was ready to take responsibility.

"We have made a statement that our members are responsible if they repeat their actions again by taking actions that are repressive or excessive in nature, I am ready to resign," Wahyu said when met in Tangerang, Friday.

Wahyu said the statement was written in writing on a stamp that was agreed with the students who demonstrated. It is known, a number of students in Tangerang Regency came to the Tangerang Police Headquarters to conduct demonstrations on Friday (15/10).

One of the participants in the demonstration, Bayu Rahmat, said that his party admitted that he was annoyed with the repressive actions taken by the Tangerang Police in dealing with students who were holding a demonstration on Wednesday (13/10). Especially regarding the incident where the MFA was thrown by Brigadier NP, which went viral on social media.

Bayu said the protestors demanded the Tangerang Police Chief to resign from his position. "We demand the removal of the Tangerang Police Chief and the dismissal of Brigadier NP from the police and ask the police to no longer take repressive actions against student actions," he said in the Tangerang Mapolresta area, Friday (15/10).

Amnesty International Indonesia's Executive Director, Usman Hamid, stated that the NP Brigadier's violent actions could not be resolved through an apology alone. Usman stated that the action of slamming the demonstration participants was an act of excessive violence.

“Throwing off a peaceful protester as seen in the video footage is clearly an excessive use of force. Violations like this cannot be resolved with an apology alone," said Usman in a press statement received by Republika, Friday (15/10).

Usman asked police officials to take firm action against the personnel. He proposed that the perpetrators of violence against students be brought to justice in order to receive appropriate punishment.

“The authorities must immediately investigate this incident thoroughly, independently and impartially. With the evidence from the investigation, the perpetrators must be tried in a general court that is fair and open to the public," said Usman.

Imparsial Director Gufron Mabruri also considered that Brigadier NP is not enough just to apologize. But they must be responsible by going through the legal process.

“The police officers' actions have the potential to constitute a human rights violation. Such action is not justified for any reason, let alone it was done by law enforcement. Even though the perpetrator has clarified and apologized, this does not remove the perpetrator's responsibility," he said when contacted by Republika, Friday (15/10).

According to him, the rapid response of the Banten Police Main Headquarters and Regionals to the case is important. There must be accountability by processing the allegations of human rights violations, both from an ethical perspective and from the alleged crime.

"There should not be impunity, because it will tarnish the police institution and reduce the level of public trust in the police," he said.

Meanwhile, the National Police Commission (Kompolnas) regrets the action of a police officer who threw a student in Tangerang so that it went viral. Kompolnas urges that all police personnel be briefed and provided with knowledge about Human Rights (HAM).

"The case in Tangerang must be a reflection that members in the field must still be equipped with knowledge about human rights and handling the protests," said Commissioner of National Police Commissioner Poengky Indarti to Republika, Friday (15/10). ).

Poengky asked the mindset of police personnel to be corrected in dealing with protests. He stressed that police personnel must act wisely.

"Don't be provoked if there is a provocation in the field," said Poengky.

Poengky said the use of violence should only be carried out when protesters carry out anarchistic actions that endanger the lives of the police and the community. "If it's not dangerous, just direct it so that the demonstrators can convey their demands peacefully," continued Poengky.

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