The hashtag #PercumaLaporPolisi (#CallingThePoliceisAWasteOfTime) is an Expression of Disappointment in the Police by the Citizens – 15/10/2021, 14:25 WIB

Writer Tatang Guritno | Editor Krisiandi

JAKARTA, – The Commission for Missing Persons and Acts of Violence (Kontras) raised the hashtag #PercumaLaporPolisi (#CallingThePoliceisAWasteofTime) which went viral last week on social media expressing disappointment and public criticism of the police's work performance.

The head of the legal division of Kontras, Andi Rezaldy, stated that this hashtag emerged because the work of the police in handling cases was not transparent and accountable. "This has caused a crisis of public confidence in law enforcement officials and the law itself," Andi explained to, Friday (15/10/2021).

Andi gave an example with the case of alleged rape in East Luwu which went viral because of Project Multatuli's reporting.

The police, he continued, responded to criticism of the handling of the case with excessive denial.

"East Luwu Police's Instagram account made a clarification and was followed by a hoax stamp on news articles published by Project Multatuli," said Andi.

"The worst thing is that the clarification published mentions the identity of the victim's parents. Whereas according to the law, it is prohibited to include the identity of the victim's parents' names," he explained.

Andi also disagreed with the police's response to violent protests. As happened to students who protested in Tangerang, Wednesday (13/10/2021).

In a video that went and became viral, police throws a student so that his back hits the pavement.

"Despite having submitted clarifications and apologies, this does not remove the responsibility of the perpetrators and their superiors," said Andi.

Andi revealed that based on Kontras' records, acts of violence are still often carried out by the police against civilians.

Contrast records from June 2020 to May 2021 show that there were 651 cases of violence committed by members of the police.

"The type of violence that is done for the most of the time is shootings which have killed 13 people and injured 98," he said. Citing Imparsial data, Andi explained, from 2016-2020 there were 76 cases of torture done by the police.

ucapnya. Mengutip data Imparsial, Andi memaparkan, sejak 2016-2020 terdapat 76 kasus penyiksaan yang dilakukan polisi.

"17 of them occurred at the Polsek level, 51 events at the Resort Police, 5 at the Polda level, 1 incident by Brimob and 1 incident by Densus 88," he said.

"17 of them occurred at the Polsek level, 51 events at the Resort Police, 5 at the Polda level, 1 incident by Brimob and 1 incident by Densus 88," he said.

Andi emphasized that the record shows that the culture of violence still exists within the Police.

"If it is not resolved immediately, similar incidents will repeat itself and will tarnish the good name of the National Police and reduce the public trust" he concluded.

Recently, the performance of the Police has become a public concern following the viral hashtag #PercumaLaporPolisi.

This hashtag appeared at the same time as the upload of the Project Multatuli report, which recounted a mother's complaint that the case of alleged rape that happened to her 3 children was not followed up by the East Luwu Police, South Sulawesi.

This case is currently being investigated by the police through the National Police Headquarters, which sent an assistance team to assist with the handling.

On the other hand, last Wednesday, a police officer was once again spotted for pinning and throwing a protesting student in Tangerang. This series of events made the hashtag #PercumaLaporPolisi keep popping up.

In response, the Head of the Public Information Bureau of the National Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono, stated that every public report to the police would be followed up.

Furthermore, the legal process will be done based on the available evidence.

"What is clear is that every report from the public who wants police services in the field of law enforcement will definitely be followed up. And of course the police process itself is based on evidence," said Rusdi at the National Police Headquarters, Jakarta, Friday (8/10/2021).

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