
President Proposes Andika Perkasa as the Sole Candidate for The Military Commander

Imparsial: New Military Commander Must Have Human Rights Commitment

Wednesday, November 3rd, 2021 12:39 WIB


Resky Novianto

KBR, Jakarta-  The Indonesian Board of Citizen Representatives has received a Presidential Letter regarding a candidate to replace the National Military Commander Hadi Tjahjanto who will enter retirement. The chairman of the Representatives, Puan Maharani, said that President Joko Widodo proposed the Army Chief of Staff (KSAD) Andika Perkasa as the sole candidate for the Commander. 

The letter, he said, was handed over to the Reps by the Minister of State Secretary (Mensesneg) Pratikno.

"The president has submitted a presidential letter regarding the proposed candidate for the Commander in Chief to the Indonesian Board of Citizen Representatives on behalf of General Andika Perkasa," said Puan at the parliament complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday (3/11/2021).

The Rep (DPR) Chairman Puan Maharani said that after receiving the Surpres Andika Perkasa, the Sole Candidate for Commander in Chief from the President, the DPR would then process the submission through a fit and proper test at the DPR's defense commission.

"Furthermore, Commission I of the DPR will conduct a fit and proper test of the candidates," he said.

Puan added, based on the Military Decree, the initial process of nominating the Commander begins with the submission of the name from the President to the DPR. He said, the new DPR will process it through the fit and proper test. After that, the DPR will ratify it at a plenary meeting to then be sworn in by the President.

Previously, the exchange for the nomination of the Commander was only enlivened by two names, namely KSAD Andika Perkasa and KSAL Yudo Margono.

Commitment to Human Rights

Previously, the Imparsial NGO had urged the new Commander to replace Hadi Tjahjanto to have a commitment to human rights and be free from allegations of human rights violations. The director, Gufron Mabruri, also urged the Commander to be able to resolve past human rights violations involving members of the military.

“Including the settlement of past human rights violations. We know that there have been cases of past violations involving the military. There was a kidnapping, there was the Trisakti case, there was Talangsari. That becomes important and I think it will be a process of reforming them to ensure that in the future they will no longer be involved in cases of human rights violations," Gufron told KBR, Tuesday (5/10/2021).

Gufron also said that the new commander must be able to complete the reformation. This will determine whether in the future there will be changes, stagnation, or even setbacks in the military.

Editor: Rony Sitanggang

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