
Imparsial Breaks Silence: Police Officials Violate Human Rights

Head of Imparsial opens his voice: Police officers violate human rights (Human Rights).

October 18th, 2021 08:20
 Reporter: PANJI – Head of Imparsial Gufron Mabruri hopes that the security forces will stop repressive measures to calm the protests, especially by college students.

This was conveyed by Gufron Mabruri in response to the smack down action carried out by police officers at the Tangerang Regent's office.

"We view that the actions of police officers who slam and cause injuries are a violation of human rights," explained Gufron Mabruri to, Sunday (17/10).

According to him, this includes torture, treatment, and even cruel and inhumane punishment.

"This action is absolutely not justified for any reason, let alone it was carried out by law enforcement officers," said Gufron Mabruri.

In addition, according to Gufron Mabruri, law enforcement officers should use a persuasive approach and avoid repressive methods in handling protests.

Not without reason, because, according to him, this is a citizen's right guaranteed by the constitution.

"Although the perpetrators have provided clarifications and apologies, this does not remove the responsibility of the perpetrators," he said.

According to Gufron Mabruri, the Regional Police must continue to process both ethically and criminally.

In fact, he also said that the legal process against the perpetrators was very important.

"This is not only to provide justice for the victims but also to break the chain of impunity while ensuring that similar incidents do not happen again," he concluded.(*)

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