Tag: kebakaran Lapas Tangerang

Datangi Komnas HAM, Keluarga Korban Kebakaran Lapas Tangerang Adukan 7 Temuan
Human Rights, News

Visiting Komnas HAM, Family of Tangerang Prison Fire Victim Complain 7 Findings

Jumat, 29 Oktober 2021 | 11:41 WIB JAKARTA, KOMPAS.TV - Keluarga korban kebakaran Lembaga Permasyarakatan (Lapas) Kelas I Tangerang, Banten mendatangi kantor Komnas HAM di Jakarta Pusat pada Kamis (28/10/2021) kemarin. Mereka didampingi Tim Advokasi Korban Kebakaran (TAKK) yang terdiri dari LBH Masyarakat (LBHM), LBH Jakarta, Imparsial, dan LPBH NU Tangerang. Mereka mengadu terkait kelanjutan kasus kebakaran lapas tersebut Dilansir dari Kompas.com, perwakilan Tim Advokasi Korban Kebakaran Lapas Kelas I Tangerang Ma'ruf Bajammal mengatakan, terdapat 7 temuan dari pengaduan keluarga korban kepada tim advokasi terkait proses penanggulangan pasca kebakaran Lapas Tangerang tersebut. Pertama, adanya ketidakjelasan proses identifikasi tubuh korban yang meninggal atau tidak ad...
Keluarga Minta Amnesti Massal Korban Tewas Kebakaran Lapas Tangerang
Human Rights, News

Family Asks for Mass Amnesty for Victims Killed in Tangerang Prison Fire

Kadek Melda Luxiana - detikNewsKamis, 28 Okt 2021 20:03 WIB Jakarta Detik.com - Sejumlah keluarga korban kebakaran Lapas Tangerang mendatangi Komnas HAM. Mereka mengadukan dugaan pelanggaran HAM dalam peristiwa kebakaran maut di Lapas Tangerang itu.Mereka datang didampingi Tim Advokasi Korban Kebakaran (TAKK) yang terdiri atas LBH Masyarakat (LBHM), LBH Jakarta, Imparsial, dan LPBH NU Tangerang. Dari sembilan keluarga yang mengadu kepada mereka, tujuh di antaranya meminta pendampingan hukum. "Dari keterangan keluarga korban tersebut terdapat setidaknya tujuh temuan yang ditemukan dari proses penanggulangan pasca kebakaran Lapas Tangerang yang disampaikan kepada Komnas HAM," kata Tim Advokasi Korban Kebakaran Ma'ruf Bajammal di Komnas HAM, Kamis (28/10/2021). Ma'ruf mengatakan ada...
Komnas HAM Akan Panggil Kemenkumham Soal Kebakaran Lapas
Human Rights, News

Komnas HAM Will Call Kemenkumham About The Prison Fire

Kamis 28 Oct 2021 20:09 WIB Red: Agus raharjo REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Komisi Nasional Hak Asasi Manusia (Komnas HAM) akan memanggil pihak terkait, terutama perwakilan dari Direktorat Jenderal Pemasyarakatan dan Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia (Kemenkumham) soal kelanjutan kasus kebakaran Lapas Kelas I Tangerang, Banten. "Kami akan memanggil semua pihak, khususnya Kemenkumham dan Ditjenpas soal tanggung jawab teman-teman di sana," kata Komisioner Pemantauan dan Penyelidikan Komnas HAM Mohammad Choirul Anam di Jakarta, Kamis (28/10). Sejak awal, kata Anam, Komnas HAM telah menurunkan tim untuk menindaklanjuti kasus kebakaran lapas yang menewaskan puluhan narapidana tersebut. Kedatangan para keluarga korban yang didampingi Tim Advokasi Korban Kebakaran Lapas Kelas I ...
Over Kapasitas Lapas, Pemerintah Dituding Melanggar HAM
Human Rights, News

Over Capacity of Prisons, Government Accused of Violating Human Rights

CNN Indonesia | Monday, 13/09/2021 05:30 WIB Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- A number of civil society organizations consider the problem of overcapacity in prisons as a violation of human rights or human rights. it's a real form of government committing human rights violations. "Can the government be suspected of committing human rights violations? Of course. Because earlier, human rights violations were clearly in front of us," Chikita said in a virtual discussion, Sunday (12/9). Furthermore, according to Chikita, overcapacity in prisons is inhumane. He gave an example, with these conditions, in one cell can be inhabited up to 20-30 inmates. "If...
Dasar Pemberian Uang Santunan Kepada Keluarga Korban Kebakaran Lapas Tangerang Dipertanyakan
Human Rights, News

The Basis of Giving Compensation to the Families of the Tangerang Prison Fire Victims Are Questioned

Sunday, September 12th, 2021 20:06 WIB Tribunnews.com Reporter, Gita Irawan TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - The basis for giving compensation money from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights to the families of the victims of the Tangerang Class I prison fire was questioned. Imparsial researcher Hussein Ahmad said he was intrigued when Minister of Law and Human Rights Yasonna Laoly said he would give money worth around 30 million IDR to the victims' families. According to him, the money worth around Rp. 30 million is not commensurate with the loss of life under Yasonna's responsibility. This was conveyed in an online discussion entitled Tangerang Prison Tragedy: Where is the State's Responsibility? on Sunday (12/9/2021). "The government must explain what Rp. 30 million is this money? Don't then get the impression that later this doesn't...
Peneliti Imparsial Sebut Keluarga Korban Kebakaran Lapas Tangerang Bisa Gugat Negara Secara Perdata
Human Rights, News

Imparsial Researcher Says Families of Tangerang Prison Fire Victims Can Sue the Country Civilly

Sunday, 12 September 2021 19:38 WIB Tribunnews.com Reporter, Gita Irawan TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - Imparsial researcher Hussein Ahmad assessed that it is possible for the families of the victims of the Tangerang Class I prison fire to file a civilian lawsuit against the country. Hussein said that at least this can be seen from article 1367 of the Civilian Code where it is stated that a person is not only responsible for losses caused by his own actions, but also for losses caused by the actions of people who are his responsibility or caused by goods that are in his possession. under his supervision. This was conveyed in an online discussion entitled Tangerang Prison Tragedy: Where is the Country's Responsibility? on Sunday (12/9/2021). "Actually this is a civil...
LSM: Pemerintah Tak Becus Revisi UU Narkoba, Lapas Jadi Sesak
Human Rights, News

NGOs: Government Incompetent to Revise Drug Law, Prisons Become Overcrowded

CNN Indonesia | Sunday, 12/09/2021 15:12 WIB Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Imparsial researcher Hussein Ahmad said the government was half-hearted in revising the Narcotics Law. Whereas the regulation has the potential to cause the correctional institution (Lapas) to over capacity because it is filled with drug convicts. "The government has so far been reluctant to revise the Narcotics Law. But until now there is no clarity regarding the narcotics law. I see the government here is half-hearted in revising the Narcotics Law," Hussein said in a virtual press conference, Sunday (12/9). Hussein explained that the current Narcotics Law tends to make drug convicts end up in prison. According to him, some of these prisoners can be seen as victims who don't need to be imprisoned but are being rehabilitated...
Harusnya Malu dan Mundur, Tewasnya 44 Napi di Lapas jadi Preseden Buruk Menkumham Yasonna
Human Rights, News

Should've been ashamed and resign, the deaths of 44 prisoners in prison set a bad precedent for the Minister of Law and Human Rights Yasonna

Agung Sandy Lesmana | Mohammad Fadil Djailani Sunday, 12 September 2021 | 14:35 WIB Suara.com - Imparsial researcher Hussein Ahmad thinks that the Minister of Law and Human Rights (Menkumham) Yasonna Laoly should be the person most responsible for the burning incident of the Tangerang Class I prison which killed 44 inmates some time ago. Even with this incident, Yasonna Laoly should feel ashamed for setting a bad precedent for her performance as a minister. "There were 44 people who died in the tragedy, there were government hands covered in blood, Minister of Law and Human Rights Yasonna Laoly should not be demanded to resign because she herself should be ashamed and resign," Hussein said in his virtual press conference, Sunday (12/9). /2021). ...
LBH Masyarakat Desak Yasonna Mundur, Imbas Kebakaran Lapas di Tangerang
Human Rights, News

LBH Community Urges Yasonna to Resign, Affects Prison Fire in Tangerang

·September 12, 2021 13:55 KUMPARANNEWS-The Community Legal Aid Institute (LBHM) together with LBH Jakarta, Imparsial, and LPBH Nahdlatul Ulama Tangerang, have urged President Jokowi to dismiss Yasonna H Laoly from her position as Minister of Law and Human Rights. Public Lawyer LBH Masyarakat, Ma'ruf Bajammal, suspects that there was an element of negligence committed by a number of parties during the fire incident at the Tangerang Class I Prison some time ago. So there must be a responsible party so that this incident does not repeat itself." Immediately dismiss the Minister of Law and Human Rights, the Director General of Corrections, the Head of the Banten Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, and the Head of the Tangerang Prison, and ensure that similar incidents do not happen again in the future. come," said Ma'ruf in a daze.
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