
If the Lawsuit for the Retirement Age Regulation of the TNI is granted, it is considered that it could hinder the promotion of Pamen – 09/02/2022, 17:59 WIB

Author Mutia Fauzia | Editor Krisiandi

JAKARTA, – A number of mid-level officers will experience obstacles to promotion if the Constitutional Court (MK) grants a claim regarding retirement in the TNI Law. The lawsuit submitted to the Constitutional Court contains the generalization of the retirement age limit of TNI soldiers with members of the Police. Military observer from the Research Institute for Defense Studies and Indonesian Strategic Studies (Lesperssi) Beni Sukadis explained, if the Constitutional Court granted the claim, the rotation of mid-level officer assignments would be slow.

"(If the lawsuit is granted by the Constitutional Court), it will hinder the promotion of middle-ranking officers because there are several high-ranking commanders who will still serve because their retirement periods are extended," explained Benni to, Wednesday (9/2/2022).

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