Imparsial Highlights the Case of Brigadier NP Throwing Off Students: A Form of Human Rights Violation

by MUHAMMAD FADLI RIZAL14 October 2021 11:55 PM inLaw

LIMAPAGI  Imparsial Director Gufron Mabruri spoke about Brigadier NP's action against a student named Faris in an action in front of the Tangerang Regent's office on Wednesday, October 13th, 2021. According to Gufron, Brigadier NP's action violated human rights.

"It is a violation of human rights in the form of torture or at least cruel and inhumane treatment or punishment," said Gufron in a written statement, Thursday, October 14th, 2021.

Gufron assessed that the Brigadier's actions could not be justified for any reason, especially the fact that he's a law enforcement officer.

Law enforcement officers, said Gufron, should use a persuasive approach and avoid repressive methods in dealing with demonstrations. Because demonstrations are citizens' rights guaranteed by the constitution.

"Although the perpetrator has provided clarifications and apologies, this does not remove his responsibility. In this context, the Regional Police must continue to process both ethically and criminally," said Gufron.

According to Gufron, the legal process against Brigadier NP is very important. Not only to provide justice for victims but also to break the chain of impunity while ensuring that similar incidents do not happen again.

Previously, Brigadier NP had apologized to Faris, one of the students who took action in front of the Tangerang Regent's office.

Brigadier NP's apology was delivered in the Propam Section of the Tangerang City Police, Wednesday, October 13th, 2021. Brigadier NP said he was ready to take responsibility.

"I apologize to Mas Faris for my actions and I am ready to take responsibility for my actions. I once again apologize to him and his family, 'Sir, I apologize for what I did (to Faris' father). And I am ready to take responsibility,” said Brigadier NP.

Despite apologizing, – Head of Public Relations of the Adjunct Senior Commissioner of Police (AKBP) of Banten Shinto Silitonga confirmed that he would impose sanctions on Brigadier NP.

“Certainly, the Banten Police have been concerned from the Kapolda that an error in the security procedure must be taken into account. Surely we will not allow technical errors in security procedures to occur anywhere in Banten," Shinto told reporters on Wednesday, October 13th, 2021.

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