Gustika Hatta Said That RKUHP Can Threaten Researcher's Freedom of Work

Thursday, June 16th, 2022 | 14:25 WIB – Imparsial researcher Gustika Jusuf Hatta assessed that the articles in the Revised Criminal Code or RKUHP could threaten the freedom of work of researchers in the study.

Gustika gave an example, article 218 of the RKUHP concerning attacks on the dignity of the president and vice president has the potential to become a rubber article that can ensnare researchers when conducting studies on government performance.

"This threatens our democracy, not only for students but also for researchers, for example yesterday there was Fatia (KontraS Coordinator) who conducted research yesterday and was criminalized, this is certainly a threat to human rights defenders," said Gustika at a press conference of the National Alliance for Penal Code Reform, Thursday ( 16/6/2022).

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