Tag: Santunan Rp 30 Juta bagi Korban

Santunan Rp 30 Juta bagi Korban Tewas Kebakaran Lapas Tangerang, Wamenkumham Bilang Jangan Lihat Besarannya
Human Rights, News

30 Million IDR in Compensation For Victims of Tangerang Prison Fire, The Vice Minister of Law and Human Rights says "Don't Look at the Amount".

Kompas.com - 15/09/2021, 11:15 WIB Writer Nirmala Maulana Achmad | Editor Egidius Patnistik JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights Eddy Hiariej said that compensation of Rp. 30 million for the victims who died in the fire of the Class I Tangerang Correctional Institution (Lapas) should not be seen only by the amount of money. He said the compensation was a form of the government's responsibility and love for the tragedy. "Don't look at the amount of mourning money, but look at our form of responsibility and our love for the victims," said Eddy at the Kramatjati Police Hospital, East Jakarta, during the process of handing over the body to the family, Wednesday (15/9/2021). . Eddy added that the Ministry of Law and Human Rights handed over the compensation money with deep sorrow. ...
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