Kompas.com – 03/11/2021, 18:26 WIB
Written and Edited by Rakhmat Nur Hakim
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – President Joko Widodo appointed Army Chief of Staff (KSAD) General Andika Perkasa as a candidate for the Military Commander to replace Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto, who is about to retire.
The appointment of Andika as a candidate for Military Commander indicates that there is no consideration of inter-dimensional rotation at the helm of the military.
The reason is that before Hadi was appointed from the air force, the Commander was General (Ret.) Gatot Nurmantyo, who came from the land unit.
If using the consideration of inter-dimensional rotation, the candidate for the Commander should be the Chief of Naval Staff (KSAL) Admiral Yudo Margono.
With the appointment of Andika as a candidate for Commander-in-Chief, there are only two Commanders who come from the marine dimension. They are Admiral Widodo Adi Sutjipto (1999-2002) and Admiral Agus Suhartono (2010-2013).
When asked why Jokowi did not choose the Commander from the Navy (AL), Minister of State Secretary Pratikno replied that it could be proposed in the next period.
"Yes, right (Navy) can be later in the next period," said Pratikno when answering questions from the media crew at the Indonesian Assembly and Board of Citizen Assembly Representative Building, Jakarta, Wednesday (3/11/2021).
Gufron assessed that Andika's appointment as Military commander was not in accordance with the rotation as stipulated in Law Number 34 of 2004 concerning the Military.
The provisions for inter-dimensional rotation in the appointment of the Commander are stated in Article 13 Paragraph 4 which reads that the position of Commander as referred to in paragraph (3) can be held alternately by active High Officers from each Force who are currently or have served as Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces. .
However, the article does not explicitly state that inter-dimensional rotation must be carried out by the President on choosing the Commander.