
TNI Commander Andika Perkasa Promises to Evaluate Conflict Handling in Papua

Reporter: Dewi Nurita

Editor: Syailendra Persada

Wednesday, November 17th, 2021 18:10 WIB

TEMPO.COJakarta – TNI Commander General Andika Perkasa promised to evaluate the handling of the conflict in Papua.

"Regarding Papua, we will definitely fix it. I want to use the laws and regulations, so that we don't take action or take other people's authority. So I will do an evaluation, then make changes in terms of how we operate. Not only in Papua, but throughout the territory of the Republic of Indonesia," Andika said when met after the inauguration, Wednesday, November 17th, 2021.

When asked about the approach to be taken in Papua, Andika said it would be the same as in other regions.

"Regarding the approach, I want to carry out our duties there the same as in other regions, the same as in Java and elsewhere, because the status is the same as in other regions," he said.

However, the former Army Chief of Staff (KSAD) was reluctant to reveal details of the concrete steps taken. "The details after I did an evaluation, but what is clear is that I already have a concept," he said.

A number of activists hope that Andika Perkasa will resolve the Papua conflict humanely. "For example, reducing the escalation of conflict by stopping the sending of non-organic troops to Papua," said Imparsial Researcher Hussein Ahmad when contacted by Tempo on Sunday, November 7th, 2021.

He reminded that the TNI Commander must understand that Papua is not being designated as a military operation area (DOM) as in the past. “This means that the prevailing regime is law enforcement, not war. And therefore, a war approach should be avoided," he said.

The most important thing, said Hussein, is that sending troops is illegal and has no legal basis as stated in Article 7 paragraph (3) of the TNI Law, namely that both war operations and operations other than war must be based on state political decisions. "So far there has been no decision," he said.

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