
Types of Ground Army Daily Uniforms


Editor: Endri Kurniawati

Tuesday, November 9th, 2021 22:50 WIB

– Members of the Indonesian House of Representatives wear army green clothes when testing the suitability of the candidate for TNI Commander General Andika Perkasa DPR RI Complex, Senayan, Saturday, November 6th 2021. Chair of Commission I of DPR RI Meutya Hafid explained that army green clothes are like the color of Ground Army's official uniform is one of several uniforms owned by the Defense Commission. He said the uniform was worn to make it look compact.

Imparsial researcher Hussein Ahmad criticized this attitude. "It's an indication that they don't really understand who they represent and why militarism is dangerous and must be fought," Hussein said when contacted by Tempo on Sunday, November 7th, 2021. 

Deputy Chairman of Commission I of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Abdul Kharis Almasyhari, denied that members of the council began to dress like the TNI with the appearance of green uniforms. "Indeed, if it's green, it's definitely an army look? Yes, no, it will look like the PKB army uniform," he said after visiting General Andika Perkasa's residence at Senayan Residence, Jakarta on Sunday, November 7, 2021.

The TNI AD uniform is identical to the green color, both ceremonial, field, daily and other uniforms. The following are the types of TNI AD daily uniforms or also known as Daily Service Clothing (PDH).

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