Tuesday, November 9th, 2021 16:33 WIB
Rep: Amri Amrullah/ Red: Agus raharjo
Imparsial assessed that the election of General Andika as a candidate for TNI commander was forced.
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - The Human Rights Supervisory Agency, Imparsial criticized the discourse regarding the extension of General Andika Perkasa's active period which had been approved as TNI commander. Imparsial's Director, Ghufron Mabruri said that the election of General Andika that had just been carried out was actually a forced step.
Therefore, he criticizes if the forced steps are followed by other actions, namely postponing his retirement until the end of the TNI Commander position. As is known, the term of office of General Andika Perkasa, who is currently the TNI Commander, is approaching retirement at the age of 58 years in November 2022, or the next year.
The discourse on the extension of General Andika's active period was conveyed during the fit and proper test at the DPR a few days ago. However, Imparsial views that this extension will actually disrupt the regeneration process within the TNI.
"The election of Mr. Andika as the new Military Commander is actually a forced step considering that he ignores the rotation system and the remaining period of his service in the TNI which will not be long. In that context, the discourse on extending his service period, if it is actually realized, is certainly not the right step," Gufron told reporters, Tuesday (9/11).
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