
The Civilian Coalition Criticizes Baleg Agrees on the Bill for the Establishment of 3 New Autonomous Area (DOB) in Papua to be an Initiative

Reporter: Dewi Nurita

Editor: Eko Ari Wibowo

Friday, April 8th, 2022 17:01 WIB

TEMPO.COJakarta – Three new autonomous regional areas (DOB) in Papua will soon be brought to the Meeting National Board of Representatives (DPR) plenary session for approval to become a DPR initiative bill. The three new Papua New Guinea bills are the areas on the Establishment of the South Papua Province, the Bill on the Establishment of the Central Papua Province, and the Bill on the Establishment of the Central Highlands Papua Province.

Koalisi Kemanusiaan untuk Papua yang terdiri atas sejumlah organisasi masyarakat sipil menyayangkan persetujuan Badan Legislasi (Baleg) DPR RI atas RUU pembentukan tiga provinsi baru di Papua tersebut. Upaya pemekaran wilayah dinilai tak tepat dilakukan saat ini.

Papuan Peace Network (JDP) member Cahyo Pamungkas said the new Papua expansion policy would encourage widespread Papuan distrust of the central government and would make it more difficult for the country to end Papua's armed conflict. According to him, the division of Papua province made by the central government was rejected by indigenous Papuans in 1999, but was continued by the central government in 2003, and legalized in 2021.

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