YOGYAKARTA, MENARA62.COM – The spiritual dimension is an important part of overcoming the climate crisis and environmental damage. To explore this, the Joint Initiative for Strategic Religious Action (JISRA) is holding a Global Conference on Women’s Rights in Islam (GCWRI) at ‘Aisyiyah University Yogyakarta (UNISA) on 14-16 May 2024. This conference is a discussion space to voice the ecofeminism movement, as part of efforts to build a peaceful and just society.
In the midst of a series of conferences attended by participants from various regions of the world, JISRA held a talk show on Wednesday 15 May 2024 with the theme: Ecofeminism and Freedom of Religion & Belief: Strengthening the Role of Women and Young People in Maintaining Interfaith Harmony and Peace Building in Indonesia.
Mutiara Pasaribu, Country Coordinator of JISRA Indonesia, said that this talk show was a space to share experiences and stories of women’s and environmental movements carried out by JISRA Indonesia‘s local partners. “At this event, representatives from JISRA Indonesia partner organizations: Muhammadiyah, Mosintuwu, and Fahmina Institute, will share lessons related to the work of women and young people across faiths in caring for the environment and diversity of identities, as well as strengthening perspectives and public support for existing initiatives in Indonesia,” she explained.
JISRA is a global consortium that works together to foster diversity and promote tolerance across religious groups and beliefs. The consortium consists of 50 local partners in Ethiopia, Indonesia, Iraq, Kenya, Mali, Uganda and Nigeria. In Indonesia, there are ten civil society organizations that are members of this consortium: AMAN Indonesia, Fahmina Institute, Fatayat NU West Java, GUSDURian Network, Imparsial, Institute DIAN/ Interfidei, Mosintuwu Institute, Muhammadiyah, Nasyiatul Aisyiyah, and Peace Generation.
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