
Tag: Joint NGO

Research Archives, Conflicts in Aceh and Papua

Universal Periodic Review 4th Cycle, 41st Session (7-18 November 2022) Human Rights Situation in Indonesia Specific focus on West Papua  

Joint NGO submission Coordinated by Franciscans International Supported by Justice Peace and Integrity of Creation of Franciscans Papua Justice Peace and Integrity of Creation of Augustinian in Papua Justice Peace and Integrity of Creation of the Diocese of Agats Justice Peace and Integrity of Creation Diocese of Timika Justice Peace and Integrity of Creation of the Diocese of Sorong Justice Peace and Integrity of Creation of the Diocese of Merauke Women Department of GIDI Church in West Papua Imparsial VIVAT International VIVAT Indonesia Asian Justice and Rights (AJAR) Main contact Mr Budi Tjahjono Franciscans International 37-39 Rue de Vermont | P.O. Box 104 1211 Geneva 20 | Switzerland Email: b.tjahjono@franciscansinternational.or...
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