April 27th, 2022
By: Nicola Cornelius Alemta Simarmata
Medan, wacana.org – Imparsial, The Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (KontraS) North Sumatra (North Sumatra), Civil Society Alliance Against Torture (SIKAP), Indonesian National Student Movement (GMNI) Faculty of Law (FH) University of North Sumatra (USU), Student Association State Administrative Law (IMAHARA) USU Faculty of Law held a public discussion entitled "Is the Death Penalty the Solution for Narcotics Crimes?" at Hotel Santika Dyandra. This was confirmed by the Chief Executive of Dios Aristo Lumbangaol, Wednesday (27/4).
The event was attended by Researcher Imparsial Amalia Suri, Legal Counsel for Death Penalty Convict Evaria Ginting, USU Faculty of Law Academician Eva Syahfitri Nasution, Quadi Azam from SIKAP, Amin Multazam from KontraS as moderator and Dios as a discussion starter.
The series of events included screening of the documentary film Zulkiflar Ali from Imparsial, presentation of material from lighters, question and answer discussion, distribution of merchandises for selected participants and closed with iftar. Dios closed the discussion with the statement: “There is no reason for Indonesia to maintain the death penalty,” he stressed.
2020 Law Student Alleru Solomon Artahsasta Simanjuntak admitted that he was happy to be present at this event. "This discussion has also changed my point of view, which originally agreed with the death penalty to disagree with the death penalty," he said.
He hopes that more events and discussions like this can be held to make more people aware of the heresy of the death penalty.