Tuesday, September 14th 2021, 18:35 WIB
TANGERANG, POSKOTA.CO.ID - Dozens of inmates died as a result of a fire at the Class I prison in Tangerang, the Community Legal Aid Institute (LBH), LBH Jakarta LPBH Nahdatul Ulama Tangerang and Imparsial demanded the government take responsibility for this humanitarian tragedy.
Public Lawyer from LBH Masyarakat, Ma'ruf Bamajammal said the government must be held accountable before the law for this heartbreaking incident.
"Based on the facts that we have obtained there are failures in the management and security of prisons."
Then, the Government did not carry out the legal obligations of the Government together with the Board of Citizen Representatives (DPR) regarding the criminal law policy in Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics in Indonesia," he said, Tuesday (14/9/2021).
He said the failure of prison management and security was based on the fact that he only took 13 minutes for the fire department to get to the prison.
However, the magnitude of the impact of the fire caused this unfortunate event to be unavoidable.
Then, the locked inmates died when the fire broke out.
Such conditions indicate that there is a possibility that there are no officers on duty, resulting in mitigation efforts to save the inmates from disasters not working.
"There are SOPs (Standard Operational Procedures) that are not working and security and litigation are not widespread. That happens, where is the supervision going, that's also a problem," he said.
“Officers on duty must stay there, for example, if there is a battle, it can be suppressed so that it does not spread. If it becomes a fact that comes out, it means there is a system error," he added.
It is understood that the cause of the fire was an electrical short.
It was later discovered that the electrical installation in the prison had never been repaired since it was built in 1972 despite the addition of additional power.
Then, the lack of facilities and infrastructure in the prison is also in the spotlight.
Like APAR and Hindran which are quite minimum so that when a fire is difficult to extinguish.
"There we saw that there was negligence from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Dirjenpas, Head of the Banten Ministry of Law and Human Rights regional office, and the head of Class 1 Tangerang prison," said Ma'aruf.
Then, the failure to reform the Narcotics law.
Ma'aruf said that from 2019 to 2021 the president and the DPR had agreed on the revision of the Narcotics Law and included it in the national legislation program (Prolegnas) as an initiative from the President.
However, the revision has not been completed until now.
“There is overcapacity due to stagnant efforts to reform drug policy or revision of Law No. 35 of 2009 on narcotics. as much as 245%. As already mentioned, of the 2,072 people inhabiting the Tangerang prison, 1,805 people are drug convicts," he said.
For this matter, Ma'aruf and his coalition also demanded that the Menkumham, the Director General of Corrections, the Head of the Banten Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights and the Head of the Class 1 Tangerang Prison be dismissed from their positions.
Delivering openly to the public the truth about fire information in Tangerang Prison.
"Requesting the President and the House of Representatives to conduct a management and security audit of every penitentiary throughout the territory of the Republic of Indonesia," said Ma'aruf.
He also requested that the Narcotics Law be revised so that it is no longer oriented towards punishment and imprisonment and can solve the problem of overcapacity in prisons.
Then, encourage reform of the prison approach in criminal law with an alternative to non-prison punishment.
"Encouraging the government to return to assimilation and integration of correctional inmates, especially those related to narcotics cases with the qualifications of users or addicts," explained Ma'ruf.
Then, give space to the victim or the victim's family who want to ask for legal assistance.
As well as ensuring that no party will prevent the victims and their families of the Tangerang Class 1 prison fire victims from holding the government accountable before the law.
“We have also opened a complaint post. For victims or their families who want to ask for legal assistance, we are ready. You can come to our office or at least at the LPBHNU Tangerang Regency office, "he concluded. (muhammad iqbal)