Kompas.com – 19/10/2021, 13:03 WIB
Writer Achmad Nasrudin Yahya | Editor Diamanty Meiliana
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – Imparsial assessed that the punishment by deactivating and transferring the Sector Police Chief with the initials Iptu IDGN in Parigi Moutong Regency, Central Sulawesi, is not sufficient.
Iptu IDGN is suspected of sexually abusing the child of a person suspected of stealing a livestock.
“The police must be dealt with firmly, both ethically and criminally. The imposition of mutation sanctions on the perpetrators is clearly not enough," said Imparsial Director Gufron Mabruri to Kompas.com, Tuesday (19/10/2021).
According to him, the punishment is incorrect because the actions of Iptu IDGN are clearly a criminal offense.
Moreover, Iptu IDGN is a police officer who has a strategic position, namely as The Chief of The Police (Kapolsek).
"His position as the Sector Police Chief should be a weight for punishment or sanctions imposed," said Gufron.
He stated that the police institution could not and should not tolerate the actions of the police chief.
According to him, if left without a strict punishment, this will actually make the public's trust in the Bhayangkara Corps decrease.
"Apart from being a form of impunity, it will also tarnish the National Police and reduce the level of public trust in the police," he explained.
Reportedly, the Profession and Security Division of the Indonesian National Police of Central Sulawesi is investigating a case of alleged sexual abuse by Ipti IDGN against a child of a person suspected of stealing a livestock.
Iptu IDGN is suspected of having committed this act with the lure of releasing the victim's father. However, after Iptu IDGN's request was fulfilled, the victim's father was never released.
The Head of Public Relations at the Central Sulawesi Police, Kombes Didik Supranoto, said that Iptu IDGN had been deactivated from his position as Kapolsek. The police officer has also been transferred to the Central Sulawesi Regional Police.
"Now the case is still under investigation, and we will continue to develop it," Didik Supranoto explained.