Wednesday, November 3rd, 2021 17:26
POSBELITUNG.CO, JAKARTA – President Joko Widodo proposed the name of the Staff Chief of the Ground Army (KSAD) General Andika Perkasa as a candidate sole commander of the Indonesian Military to the Board of Citizen Representatives.
Minister of State Secretary (Mensesneg) Pratikno revealed the reason why the President chose General Andika Perkasa over Navy Staff Chief (KSAL) Admiral Yudo Margono.
A number of circles previously assumed that the original replacement for Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto as the military commander, came from the marine dimension. This is when you look at the provisions in Law Number 34 of 2004 concerning the military.
According to Pratikno, candidates for the commanders who come from the marine dimension can be proposed in the next period.
"The navy can be promoted later in the next period," said Pratikno when answering questions from the media crew at the Indonesian Citizen Representatives Building, Jakarta, Wednesday (3/11/2021).
He emphasized that a candidate for commander-in-chief must be a force chief of staff. That's what then made President Jokowi narrow down the replacement for the commanders from the Army and Navy, because Hadi came from the air force.
"The current chief of staff is the Indonesian Air Force, the commander in chief. So the choice is the Army and the Navy, the President has chosen the Army," he said.
Regarding Andika's replacement as Army Staff Chief, Pratikno said that until now there has been no candidate for a replacement name.
However, he stressed that when Andika was sworn in as commander in chief, the position of the Army Staff Chief must be filled with a new person.
"Not yet, later when the inauguration commander changes, of course it must immediately fill in the new Army Staff Chief," he said.
"Not yet, later when the inauguration commander changes, of course it must immediately fill in the new Army Staff Chief," he said.
The said law states that the commander can be handshaken alternately.
Technically, Gufron said, referring to the regulation, the replacement for the commander Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto should have been the Chief of Naval Staff (KSAL) Admiral Yudo Margono.
Moreover, prior to Hadi's leadership in the air force, there were already two officers from the army who became commanders, namely General (Ret.) Moeldoko and General (Ret.) Gatot Nurmantyo.
Meanwhile, the last time the commander of the Indonesian National Armed Forces was occupied by marine personnel in 2010-2013, whose name was the Military Admiral (Ret.) Agus Suhartono.
With this appointment, said Gufron, the Ground Army has increasingly dominated its dimensions. (*)