Wednesday, October 13th, 2021 | 03:57 WIBOleh :
VIVA – Criminalizing allegations have been experienced by a number of farmers of the Sawit-Makmur Cooperative (Kopsa-M) in Kampar, Riau. A number of parties, especially NGOs that focus on the issue of human rights violations, have also highlighted this alleged criminalization.
Direktur Imparsial Gufron Mabruri menjelaskan dugaan kriminalisasi terjadi pada pertengahan September 2021 lantaran pimpinan Kopsa-M, Anthony Hamzah ditetapkan sebagai tersangka.
The reason for the determination of the suspect is related to demonstrations carried out by other people on behalf of Kopsa-M. In addition, Anthony was also criminalized because the cooperative he leads sells his own palm oil.
According to him, this criminalization is not the first time experienced by farmers who are members of Kopsa-M. Previously, there were 2 farmers who had engineered a case similar to that of Anthony Hamzah.
He said the criminalization was allegedly due to a report by Kopsa-M farmers to the police regarding the crime of land grabbing allegedly carried out by a State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN) and a private company.
Gufron emphasized that the beginning of the land dispute began in 2001. At that time, Kopsa-M farmers collaborated with the Inti Plasma Partnership, namely cooperation in managing land to be used as oil palm plantations with PTPN V covering an area of 4,000 hectares.
“In the future, it turned out that this plantation business failed and made a loss. Ironically, the debt of IDR 140 billion arising from the cooperation is now being billed to the Kopsa-M farmers," said Gufron, in his statement, quoted on Wednesday, October 13th, 2021.
He added that during the control of the land by the management of PTPN V in 2007, it was suspected that there were individuals who illegally sold the land belonging to the Kopsa-M farmers which they manage covering an area of 400 ha to PT Langgam Harmoni.
"We view that the alleged land grabbing by BUMN and private sector as well as the criminalization of farmers who fight for land is not only legally wrong, but also tarnishes the face of President Jokowi's government," said Gufron.
Then, Gufron mentioned President Jokowi's mandate to order the Police not to hesitate to eradicate the land mafia. According to him, the criminalization of Kopsa-M farmers is not only legally wrong, but also actually goes against President Jokowi's instructions.
Pun, ia menilai upaya kriminalisasi tidak sejalan dengan prinsip yang mengedepankan pemenuhan hak warga negara. Ia mengingatkan agar aparat penegak hukum seyogyanya menggunakan pendekatan persuasif dan menghindari cara-cara represif.
"At this point, law enforcement efforts can use a restorative justice approach while still prioritizing the fulfillment of community rights and human rights," he said.
Therefore, Gufron asked the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo to order his staff to stop the process of alleged criminalization of all farmers, members and administrators of Kopsa-M which is currently being carried out by the Kampar Resort Police, Riau.
"Second, ordering the ranks of the National Police to process reports of alleged criminal acts of stealing land belonging to farmers belonging to Kopsa-M members," he said.