Penulis Redaksi -12/10/2021
Jakarta, – Pada pertengahan bulan September 2021 Anthony Hamzah ketua organisasi petani sawit yang tergabung dalam Koperasi Sawit-M (KOPSA M) ditetapkan sebagai tersangka oleh Polres Kampar Riau. Penetepan tersangka ini berkait dengan aksi demonstrasi yang dilakukan oleh orang lain mengatasnamakan KOPSA-M
In addition, Anthony Hamzah was also criminalized because the cooperative he leads sells palm oil belonging to his own cooperative.
This incident was condemned by Imparsial's President Director Gufron Mabruri through a press release, Tuesday (12/10/2021) in Jakarta.
“Kriminalisasi ini bukanlah yang pertama kali dialami oleh petani-petani yang tergabung dalam KOPSA-M. Sebelumnya, ada 2 petani yang mengalami rekayasa kasus serupa dengan Anthony Hamzah. Kami mengecam dan meminta semua pihak aparat menghentikan tindakan ini,” kata Gufron.
According to him, this criminalization effort is strongly suspected to be related to reports by KOPSA-M farmers at the Criminal Investigation Unit at the National Police Headquarters, related to criminal acts of land grabbing allegedly carried out by the State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN) PT Perkebunan Nusatara V (PTPN V) and private company PT. Langgam Harmoni.
Based on information received by Imparsial, land disputes stem from; in 2001 the KOPSA-M farmers collaborated with the Plasma Core Partnership, namely the cooperation in the management of land to be used as oil palm plantations with PTPN V covering an area of 4000 ha. In the future it turns out that this plantation business failed and lost money.
“Ironisnya hutang sebesar Rp. 140 Milyar yang timbul akibat kerja sama itu kini ditagihkan kepada pada petani KOPSA-M. Tidak hanya itu, di tengah penguasaan lahan oleh manajemen PTPN V, pada tahun 2007 diduga oknum pejabat PTPN V secara tidak sah dan melawan hukum menjual tanah milik petani-petani KOPSA-M yang dikelolanya seluas 400 ha kepada PT Langgam Harmoni,” jelasnya.
The Imparsial party views that the alleged land grabbing by BUMN and private sector, as well as the criminalization of farmers fighting for land are not only legally wrong but also tarnish the face of President Jokowi's government. Whereas previously on September 22nd, 2021, President Jokowi had ordered the Police not to hesitate to eradicate the land mafia.
Kata Gufron, bentuk kriminalisasi terhadap petani KOPSA-M tidak hanya keliru secara hukum tetapi juga sejatinya melawan instrukti presiden Jokowi yang menyatakan, “Jangan sampai ada aparat penegak hukum yang membekingi mafia tanah tersebut. Perjuangkan hak masyarakat dan tegakkan hukum secara tegas,”.
Therefore, it is important for the ranks of the National Police to examine all Polri officers involved in the criminalization of KOPSA-M farmers.
“Kami menilai upaya kriminalisasi tidak sejalan dengan prinsip pemolisian demokratik yang mengedapankan pemenuhan hak warga negara yang marjinal,” tukasnya.
According to him, what happened to the farmers who are members of KOPSA-M must be viewed as a problem of economic inequality, power relations, and access to law between small community members who are dealing with large state and private corporations.
“Oleh karena itu, pemerintah dan aparat penegak hukum seyogyanya menggunakan pendekatan persuasif dan menghindari cara- cara represif dalam menangani persoalan tersebut. Pada titik ini, upaya penegakan hukum dapat menggunakan pendekatan restorative justice dengan tetap mengedepankan pemenuhan hak- hak masyarakat dan hak asasi manusia,” harapnya.
Therefore, we Imparsial as an NGO urge the National Police Chief to:
1. Ordered his staff to stop the criminalization process against all farmer members and administrators of KOPSA-M which is currently being carried out by the Kampar Resort Police, Riau.
2. Memerintahkan jajarannya untuk memproses laporan dugaan tindak pidana penyerobatan tanah milik petani anggota KOPSA-M oleh PTPN V dan PT Langgam Harmoni yang laporannya telah masuk ke Bareskrim Polri.